Photos from the Cincinnati Mini Conference Posted on June 17, 2016August 6, 2019 by Eleanor Gardner View of Cincinnati at sunset. Photo from Jan Pullum Field trip group on June 3rd field trip Field trip group on June 3rd field trip Field trip group on June 3rd field trip Getting a geology lesson from Dr. Carl Brett Examining the site Tony Martin looking for ichnofossils Tony Martin looking for ichnofossils A Dry Dredger searches for fossils Dry Dredger Nancy Swartz examines the strata Chuck Ferrara peruses the limestone Eleanor Gardner gets up close and personal with some fossils A Dry Dredger shows off her find Chuck Ferrara displays a specimen More field trippin’ More field trippin’ Absorbing geological information A view of the highway roadcut Panoramic shot Photo thanks to Jan Pullum A Flexi in situ vs. prepped (by Dan Cooper) Dr. Carl Brett explains the local stratigraphy Dr. Carl Brett explains the local stratigraphy Look at this neat fossil! Exploring roadcuts Exploring roadcuts Photo thanks to Jan Pullum Dr. Tony Martin delivers the keynote talk Tony signing copies of his latest book Tony signing copies of his latest book Tony signing copies of his latest book Folks crowded into the Cincinnati Under the Sea exhibit to see the gorgeous fossils on display On Saturday, June 4, the mini conference events started with three talks. In this photo, Jack Kallmeyer is speaking about discovering a new species of crinoid Poster session Poster session Poster session Poster session Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Collections tour Collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Invertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour Vertebrate collections tour K-12 lesson planning breakout session K-12 lesson planning breakout session Biostratinomy and Taphonomy breakout session Biostratinomy and Taphonomy breakout session Townhall meeting with officers from the Paleontological Society Townhall meeting with officers from the Paleontological Society Townhall meeting with officers from the Paleontological Society Townhall meeting with officers from the Paleontological Society Door prizes (myFOSSIL field notebooks) Door prizes (books, t-shirts, and more) Photo courtesy of Jan Pullum First field site on the June 5th field trip day First field site on the June 5th field trip day Dr. Ronny Leder takes notes at the field site A bryozoan from Vevay, Indiana Searching for Paleozoic fossils Searching for Paleozoic fossils Searching for Paleozoic fossils Diane Willis consults with others on an identification Brachiopods! A nice cephalopod mold Ann Harris found the cephalopd Dr. Carl Brett explaining the value of a particular fossil Dr. Ben Dattilo confers with conference goers Lunch stop! Dr. Leder takes notes again Learning from Dr. Brett while searching for fossils Learning from Dr. Brett while searching for fossils Learning from Dr. Brett while searching for fossils Looking for trilobites! Victor Perez searches carefully an enrolled trilobite More searching Nice close-up! Lots of brachs! More brachs!